Have a castile pellet stove for about 8 years now and love it!. Only had some very minor problems in the past that were easily fixed. I had only one pro repair when the combustion blower went bad 2 years ago. I always clean it myself during the heating season and at the end(all out cleaning) of the season. How far is it necessary to disassemble and clean when doing the final cleanout? I always take the heat exchanger cover off, and the 2 back fire panels, and remove the convection fan from below the rear of the stove. I scrape out the burn pot as well as I can, clean the heat exchanger tubes thoroughly, try to clean the combustion fan blades and exhaust area as well as i can, and clean out the vent pipe from the outside with a brush and shop vac and clean the convection fan motor and fan blades.. I cant remove the vent pipe from the rear of the stove as the original installer used sealant and it is really glued on well. I have it in a corner so there is only one 45 degree elbow and 3 ft of straight pipe to the outside. The only way i could remove the vent pipe would be to detach the pipe that goes through the wall thimble by twisting it off the inside elbow, and ruin the nice caulking job on the outside of the thimble. Is it enough to clean it without removal? The only other area that I cant get to is the exhaust coming out of the stove in between the combustion blower and 3" vent pipe. Is there any reason to get into this area for cleaning? If there is then I would have to remove the 3" vent form the back of the stove which would be a PITA. lol The only other issue I'm having at the moment is an occaisional noisy convection fan motor. Not sure if its going bad or just a temporary noise.