I just joined this site hoping for some direction after doing research. We had a chimney fire about a month ago and everything turned out fine luckily. It was out before the fire fighters even arrived. We just had our chimney replaced yesterday. Then it turns out that our old wood stove has a warped damper. We got it for free anyways, but we want to replace it.
So, the issue is that our rear pipe exit on the wall is only about 21 inches from floor to the center of the flue. The chimney is 6 inch Selkirk Ultra-Temp HT. Our contractor/inspector is pretty good and has experience. Trying to make the chimney fit, we can get up to about 27 inches from floor to the center of the flue.
We really like the Magnum Soapstone Wood Cookstove: (broken link removed to https://www.lehmans.com/product/magnum-soapstone-wood-cookstove?shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4ZGxnvP99QIVyPbICh1nMApeEAQYAiABEgKQAvD_BwE) .but it’s a top right/left flue and it probably won’t fit. It seems to be hard to find regular wood stoves that are rear flue and so low anyways. Does anyone have recommendations for cooking wood stoves that are rear/center flue, if they even exist? If not what about just a normal wood stove that could fit this criteria?
I’ll attach a current picture, thanks in advance!
So, the issue is that our rear pipe exit on the wall is only about 21 inches from floor to the center of the flue. The chimney is 6 inch Selkirk Ultra-Temp HT. Our contractor/inspector is pretty good and has experience. Trying to make the chimney fit, we can get up to about 27 inches from floor to the center of the flue.
We really like the Magnum Soapstone Wood Cookstove: (broken link removed to https://www.lehmans.com/product/magnum-soapstone-wood-cookstove?shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4ZGxnvP99QIVyPbICh1nMApeEAQYAiABEgKQAvD_BwE) .but it’s a top right/left flue and it probably won’t fit. It seems to be hard to find regular wood stoves that are rear flue and so low anyways. Does anyone have recommendations for cooking wood stoves that are rear/center flue, if they even exist? If not what about just a normal wood stove that could fit this criteria?
I’ll attach a current picture, thanks in advance!