After hearing that the nice Indian Summer weather was ending on Saturday, yesterday, I figured it was time to get the pellet boiler ready to run for the season. Had planned to replace the flame guide insulator because I damaged it when I first got the boiler 3 years ago thinking the insulator was an ash build up. That damage caused the heat of burning about 25 tons of pellets to erode a good part of the insulator away. It was so eroded that I could slide it sideways all the way out of its position above the cast flame guide. But the new one ($80 bucks WOW!!) wouldn't slide in. Easy though, I just loosened the 4 1/2" nuts that hold the burner pot enough to slide the flame guide out, put the flame guide insulator in its correct position, slide the flame guide into place and retighten the four nuts. The flame looks real good with the new insulator and let's hope that the owner won't think that it should be scraped out