Hello everyone. I know this topic has been batted around but my particular situation hasn't come up... or I haven't used the correct search terms. We're looking at a house that has a fubar/useless oil furnace. We aren't going to replace the furnace(we're going to go with a ductless split system... purely electrical). I'd like to use the old furnace chimney to vent a woodstove. We occasionally lose power in our area when it snows and I don't want to be beholden 100% to electrical heat. And using a kerosene heater is a pain in the backside. All the threads I've read here assume that people are trying to use the chimney for the oil furnace and woodstove at the same time. So that's not the case. The chimney would be dedicated solely to the woodstove. My intuition tells me that it's probably not a good idea to retask the chimney unless a liner/pipe is used. I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter. Thank you.