SO, tis the seasona nd all that business, and I was approached by my fiend/bandmate concerning the whole "Santa" thing. We have always promoted the "idea" of Santa, and all that Xmas spirit stuff. We have always met the question "is Santa real, or are you guys Santa" with..."Well, what do you think?" Our son, 10yrs, I'm sure has just figured out to "play along" and doesn't really talk about it anymore. We plan on always having gifts from Santa under the tree, just as my mom always seems to have gifts for me from Santa, that he must have mistakenly delivered to her house.....weird right? I know. My bandmate plans on blowing the whole thing up and telling his daughters its all a lie. How have others dealt with this situation? He seems all distraught and panicked about how they're gonna feel about being deceived for so long. Kinda funny to me, be I'm odd like that.