Sawbuck I built out of scrap lumber

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Minister of Fire
Dec 21, 2012
Stone Mountain GA
I had some extra wood laying around after I built my woodshed and figured id make a sawbuck. 1st and 3rd legs are PT 4x4, the middle leg is 2x4. All held together with 2x10s on the sides and 2x4s across those

Works great and I much prefer it over the metal kind you can buy cause ive already nicked it a few times ;lol
[] Sawbuck I built out of scrap lumber
Great job - nice to use scrap lumber to build a useful tool like your sawbuck. I foresee one being built for my needs in the near future as well....
Looks good!
I really need to build one to cut up a bunch of odd balls I've been procrastinating on.
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