I live in Cincinnati.Ohio and have a 600 square foot basement.I also have wood floors above with little carpet.My basement has one wall completely exposed to the outside,one that has the garage attached to it that remains cold in winter,and the other 2 are 90 percent underground.It remains cold all winter and in turn my furnace runs a lot keeping the 1st floor warm(no furnace vent in basement).I thought that if i put a wood burner down there that the heat would rise and help heat the 1st floor.My supply of wood is unlimited so the initial cost is all i am concerned with,which is in my budget.My insurance said if i have it professionally installed,i can have it but they wont cover any loss due to it being the cause of a fire?I want to be comfortable in the winter months and more carpet will not help if my basement is cold as hell.It would cost a lot to finish basement vs. stove install.Please help me make the correct decision,as to not waste my money on something i think will work.I also do not know spacing of the stove as it pertains to electric outlets,water heater,gas lines,etc.Thanks for your time and patients.