thank you for a good sight lots of nice information from you good boys and gals.
i got around and hooked up my skytech wireless thermostat to my stove and it works
great. set it up to come on at 6:00 am. to 70 deg. and at 09:30 pm to kick back
to 65 deg. easy to program and very nice people at skytech. i wish all companies
would be that nice to talk to. i found this company from this sight,i just have one
question to ask. when temperature is meet exhaust blower still runs and blower
for stove shuts off. i was wondering if you had a pretty good flame, i now it will
start going down and still feed some pellets to not cool off stove to quick. does that
hurt the stove buy shutting off room blower.
i got around and hooked up my skytech wireless thermostat to my stove and it works
great. set it up to come on at 6:00 am. to 70 deg. and at 09:30 pm to kick back
to 65 deg. easy to program and very nice people at skytech. i wish all companies
would be that nice to talk to. i found this company from this sight,i just have one
question to ask. when temperature is meet exhaust blower still runs and blower
for stove shuts off. i was wondering if you had a pretty good flame, i now it will
start going down and still feed some pellets to not cool off stove to quick. does that
hurt the stove buy shutting off room blower.