First full season burning with a Napoleon 1402.Slightly different weather conditions today,light snow,wind,high 20's.Its been unseasonably warm here in NE Ohio so this is about as cold as it has been during the day.
I run my stove fairly hot(500-550) close the air down and get good burns.Wood is good and dry-been burning the same mostly oak,maple mix all season.
I have used aprox two cords so far this yr.
So to my question-this morning i loaded stove as usual(smallish dry splits w/kindling),air wide open, lit up with a little paper.All is well.Fire was rolling on top of box like it always does so i shut the door.This is usually when the fire really takes off and within a half hour im closed up and good to go.
Today when i shut the door the fire went out!
I opened door and re-ignited fire and went through this same process about 6 times.Now after about two hours,i am at coal stage and a real fire never did start with the door closed.Each time i shut the door it acted as if i was closing the air all the way(weak secondaries and all).
Cap is a bit dirty,does not look sticky or gooey.I say this from the ground cause i am unfortunately extremely afraid of heights.50's ranch style home so i can see it fairly well.
In my limited experience it is acting as if is choked out via intake air or liner/cap.
Anything i can check without calling the chimney dude out to the house?
Sorry for the long post-tried to answer all the questions i could before they were asked.
Great,great site and you all are incredibly patient and helpful to newbs like myself.Thanks in advance.
I run my stove fairly hot(500-550) close the air down and get good burns.Wood is good and dry-been burning the same mostly oak,maple mix all season.
I have used aprox two cords so far this yr.
So to my question-this morning i loaded stove as usual(smallish dry splits w/kindling),air wide open, lit up with a little paper.All is well.Fire was rolling on top of box like it always does so i shut the door.This is usually when the fire really takes off and within a half hour im closed up and good to go.
Today when i shut the door the fire went out!
I opened door and re-ignited fire and went through this same process about 6 times.Now after about two hours,i am at coal stage and a real fire never did start with the door closed.Each time i shut the door it acted as if i was closing the air all the way(weak secondaries and all).
Cap is a bit dirty,does not look sticky or gooey.I say this from the ground cause i am unfortunately extremely afraid of heights.50's ranch style home so i can see it fairly well.
In my limited experience it is acting as if is choked out via intake air or liner/cap.
Anything i can check without calling the chimney dude out to the house?
Sorry for the long post-tried to answer all the questions i could before they were asked.
Great,great site and you all are incredibly patient and helpful to newbs like myself.Thanks in advance.