Is there any way to do this? Currently about 20% moisture and just refuses to burn well, like trying to burn rocks. I am assuming my moisture meter reads correctly. It is brand new about a week old so have nothing to compare it to. My guideline if seasoned previously was if the end grain is not split and cracked it is not ready. Though that does not always work for me on big splits. The other thing I have learned is a wood pile will balance the moisture content in that if you put wood that has a higher moisture content with wood the a low moisture content the dry wood will go up in content while the high content will go down sort of reaching a balance point. I think the wood pile needs to be treated as a whole and if new wood comes in it needs it's own pile. I need to get at least another 6 weeks of heat and by volume i have enough wood but by condition i have a week of decent stuff maybe a bit more. Are eco bricks a possibility to take the edge off during the day or a waste of money? Locally they are about 50 cents each in a 6 pack. Years ago I used to burn pallets and a friend of mine had a big pick up and we would get 4 loads at the town dump 2 for me and 2 for him. Back then they were made of hardwood the ones I have lately make good kindling but nothing worth burning. I am open to ideas though kiln dried fire wood costs with 20% of fuel oil so why do the work for an unknown savings if any.