well I started the install for a barometric damper on my eko 25 . I picked up a 8 inch T pipe and a 8 inch plug and ordered the 8 inch barometric damperin T pipe . I am putting it under the boilers flue like is pictured on the site. I was able to reuse my old 8 inch pipe had to cut 2 inches off of one strait pipe so I am ready to go as soon as the damper arrives. I am oalso ordering my new door gasket tomorow so hopefully by next weekend I will be all ready for this years heating season. Also had my second truck load of log length wood delivered that I have to get sawing on. 6-8 cord per truck load boat load of work but eworth it everytime the oil truck drives by the house and doesnt stop. Thanks to this site I am deffintily much more knowledgable about my boiler you guys are the best pics coming soon!