Hello all, new here, from CT. I was recently given a wood/coal stove, it is called the "home heater" and says "Bennington, VT on the front. The very bottom of the stove is the ash pit, and has it's own seperate door. Middle of the stove is about 3 heavy duty grates, which suspend about 6 inches above the ash dump floor.My question is, is the top of the grates supposed to be lined with firebrick? When the stove was given to me, there were in fact firebrick there, but they all got jostled around and broken during transport. What I am confused about is, if I line the whole grate with firebrick, it seems to me that would make the ashdump non functional. {nowhere for ashes to fall through}. I guess what I am after is if someone has this model, would love to know how the firebrick are layed out on top of the grates. Maybe there is a hole in the center?Also, cannot fit full firebricks, needs to be 2 wholes and a cut on each course.