Stoves in at the local Lowes

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Hearth Supporter
Jan 23, 2008
Horseheads NY
Well Englanders (Summer's Heat) are at the local Lowes as of yesterday... Everything looks slightly up in price.
$1099 for the NC30, $699 for the NC13...

Last year I bought a Century FW300010 on clearance at the end of the year and really wish I had spend the extra Money on an Englander after looking at them last night. Much more solid stove, firebox is larger, I like the air control better, etc... Oh well. Maybe I'll pick one up at the end of the year.

Also got the chimney cleaned last night :-) Its been a little wet and hot to cut much wood lately. My winter stash is almost up to 4 cords from all standing dead or fallen trees from last winters ice storm. I found a nice tree last week, probably a 80 year old red oak (2x24" trunks)that had been dead for at least 5-10 years but still standing, tough cutting and splitting, but it is ready to burn! Picked up a nice standing dead white birch too.


  • [] Stoves in at the local Lowes
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I actually did the same thing you did last year and bought the Century for my fathers cabin. I did some research and realized the Summers Heat (Englander) is way better in my opinion. Although the Century has been good for others I was lucky and returned that one and grabbed the very last Summers Heat in the area, Springville, NY. Well worth the drive to grab it. I do need more chimney pipe for it than my Dad's other old stove, but I paid 499 for that stove at 50% off and it was the deal of a lifetime....

Keep an eye out, a close eye out at the end of this year or beginning of January because I am sure these stoves will fo fast. I would say you will pay about 550-600 for that stove now, still a great price for the Englander (Summers heat).

The firebox is bigger on the Summers Heat and man does it ever pump out heat, like others have said it is tough to shut her down (I say just crack a window)

I am going to look my Lowes this weekend, I always love seeing the new stoves coming in and out with the summer furniture
I have a century stove that was purchased by a friend of mine from lowes last year. Do they also sell the stove pipe and wall thimbles etc come winter time? I've never had a reason to look until now.
tlhfirelion said:
I have a century stove that was purchased by a friend of mine from lowes last year. Do they also sell the stove pipe and wall thimbles etc come winter time? I've never had a reason to look until now.

lowes generally carries chimney pipe and kits, usually they carry "supervent" home depot carries simpson duravent for the most part both shold have the piping in stock by now or in the extremely near future, sounds like a drive over to the neighborhood home improvement store.
Still waiting for Lowes to appear in western canada. apparently they have 2 stores up and running in the east. anyone confirm this??
stoveguy2esw said:
tlhfirelion said:
I have a century stove that was purchased by a friend of mine from lowes last year. Do they also sell the stove pipe and wall thimbles etc come winter time? I've never had a reason to look until now.

lowes generally carries chimney pipe and kits, usually they carry "supervent" home depot carries simpson duravent for the most part both shold have the piping in stock by now or in the extremely near future, sounds like a drive over to the neighborhood home improvement store.

Good to know thank you for the reply. I will stop by home depot and see what I find. Any idea which pipe might be a better deal (translation - less expensive?) I find for the mos part home depot has better prices on things but lowes has a better selection or at least that is how it is in my neck of the woods.

When yo say kits, do they usually carry the elbows and what not in both double and single wall, and everything I would need for A "turn key" chimney?

Thanks again!
tlhfirelion said:
stoveguy2esw said:
tlhfirelion said:
I have a century stove that was purchased by a friend of mine from lowes last year. Do they also sell the stove pipe and wall thimbles etc come winter time? I've never had a reason to look until now.

lowes generally carries chimney pipe and kits, usually they carry "supervent" home depot carries simpson duravent for the most part both shold have the piping in stock by now or in the extremely near future, sounds like a drive over to the neighborhood home improvement store.

Good to know thank you for the reply. I will stop by home depot and see what I find. Any idea which pipe might be a better deal (translation - less expensive?) I find for the mos part home depot has better prices on things but lowes has a better selection or at least that is how it is in my neck of the woods.

When yo say kits, do they usually carry the elbows and what not in both double and single wall, and everything I would need for A "turn key" chimney?

Thanks again!

that im not sure of , i'll probably be popping into my local lowes this weekend i'll see what they have here.
around here anything double wall at lowes is a special order with a 2 week wait minimum.
so I stopped by lowes this morning and they have a small selection of duravent double wall pipe. They did have 6" - 36" ht pipe for $66 which seemed like a good price. I need to figure out what all I need, but those of you that have purchased this, whats your view on that price? While I might be able to find it slightly cheaper online, I then have to pay for shipping and wait to finish my project. Thoughts?
^Personally I'd rather pick something up in my hands inspect it rather than buy on line. In the greater scheme of things you might save $25...that won't even fill your gas tank now a days. Sure it all adds up there are advantages going both ways I suppose.
savageactor7 said:
^Personally I'd rather pick something up in my hands inspect it rather than buy on line. In the greater scheme of things you might save $25...that won't even fill your gas tank now a days.

I'm the same way. I guess now that I've seen it and handled it, I could find the same thing online. :)
My thoughts

I may have to repeat this a bunch this year, but I really don't want the board used regularly to announce that stoves are in the nearest Lowe or HD (there are thousands of these stores!), and I also don't want the board to be used to look for an additional $10 off.

The fact is that all the answers to these questions can be found instantly at both shopping sites and at the sites of the stores in question. Having the board clogged up with similar posts is just, IMHO, a waste of space here. Please keep in mind that moderators and myself typically have to read every thread......

If folks really enjoy the "shopping" postings, I can perhaps put a "shopping report" section like our fuel cost report section.

I would like the board to be used NOT as a sales tool for ANY retailer, most especially big boxes (they have all the $$ and resources they need), but rather as a place where people can help other with sizing, installation, safety and other such issues....information which is typically not available elsewhere.

I can make this policy more clear and post it in the mission or rules if need be.

I'm sorry I really didn't mean it at all as a sales pitch...

I was only bringing it up to point out that the heating season is coming up, that there had been a price increase this year, and that there were actually stoves sitting on a "showroom" floor.
guys Pm me or e mail at [email protected] with questions on my product line i do not spend much time at my desk in the “hot months” (busy doing other things most of the time so e mail my “homework” addy above( the yahoo one) for a faster response.

thanks Mike Holton ESW
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