i have currently burned through about a cord and an eighth of wood so far this heating season which is a dramatic improvement over last year using the 26 yr old wood furnace. i am extremely happy with my fireview now that you guys helped me work all my kinks out. probably would have gone through less wood so far but the cat was over 10 yrs old and in backwards when i first started out with thats first half cord or so. ive replaced the cat and got it in correctly now currently shes just a glowin stove temp is piping hot and flue temps about 275. i have noticed however that my wood may not be OPTIMUM right now im burning wood thats about 10 months seasoned i know i know but its all i got right now. i have 6 cords that are the same 10 months seasoned i have another 3 that i got in log length they have been bucked up and im working on getting the split now so next year i will have some super seasoned stuff some over a year and some almost two years most ive ever been ahead. i used to cut in the spring burn in the fall with my old hearthstone. i get a sizzler every now and then but not too bad just keep the coAls nice and hot. also ive been keeping two days worth of wood around the stove and its drying up nice. now my question is do you think its time for me to lift the lid and blow out the cat? real quick outside? this is my primary heat source for a super drafty house so we dont let the fire go out all winter unless it gets crazy warm like in teh 50s. and also i was wondering about my stacks of wood the are stacked in single cord rows with metal roofing on top but some snow and rain still get through should i be worried? i will be posting pictures of my setup after christmas when i open that camera under the tree hehe. agian thanks guys my house is wayyy warmer this year everything ive been taught is appreciated