This looks like a tough one to get on the ground

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Oct 6, 2011
North Shore, MA
[] This looks like a tough one to get on the ground Not so sure what to do about this one. I cut a medium limb off but it's hung up on two other trees.
Not sure what I'm looking at. Thought it was a broken-off tree - but looks like the horizontal part is a lot smaller diameter than the vertical part?
I think it's either pignut or bitternut hickory.

If it's hung up higher than your picture shows, I would get a piece of equipment in there and pull it out. Wouldn't catch me cutting under there.
lasso and yank

can';t see how much of a hinge or high off the ground
I've carefully cut through a hinge ( or part way through ) with a tree hand saw even up on a short step ladder from the safe side although it kinda looks like there is also the additional challenge of a sloped ground.
Use a truck to pull, if you can get it in there. Come along might work too.

None of the basswood I have come across looked like your second picture.
get a 4x4 post, brace the tree, then cut away the busted part.... then tie a rope to the 4x4 and the other end to your truck and hit the gas!
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