Okay everyone, lend me your words of wisdom. Forgive me if this is elsewhere but I’ve searched and found forums that are either closed, concern pellet stoves, or don’t really answer the question. My climate during winter is typically highs of 20s-low 40s (as snow hits more on 20 side) and lows of negatives to 20s, house is 1960 sq ft well insulated holds temps pretty well. However this winter will be first full winter heating with wood only. So, here goes. During winter do any of you NOT burn 24/7, as in are you just doing say 2 fires, a warm up in the morning, and lighting one before bed and just letting it go out over night? I understand most of the pros and cons of this/24 hour burning (2 fires means 2 starts, more kindling more temp swings etc vs 24 hour burning is more even temps one start and maintain etc), but along that line are there really anymore pros or cons that are significant? Also, just a theory mainly but 2 hot fires should equate to less creosote compared to burning constantly and cutting air supply down etc. So, is anyone doing this or is everyone burning 24/7? If you aren’t burning 24/7, what is your experience with that model? Efficiency? Creosote more or less? Thanks all! Also if this is more appropriate in a different thread that I missed feel free to move it there.