I wanted to let everyone who helped/advised me on my problem with my wood stove insert and not able to get above 300 degrees. The city inspector came out to my home today to inspect the install and per my request he "failed" it. He then contacted the installer who has been in business for many years to let him know about the failure. I also contacted my credit card company and they put a dispute on my card and will credit me the entire amount charged unless the installer rectifies the situation. Due to the fact the city "failed" the install the credit card company is 100% behind me. Then my phone did not stop ringing from the company I bought the wood stove from and the installer. Long story short the installer will make good and come out on Monday and give me a "full liner" with a block off plate. He will come back "free of charge" with all the labor and I will have to pay $312 for the materiel (liner). He wants to make good on the situation. After talking to him he explained to me that because I have a "center chimney" fireplace he did not think that a full liner was necessary. He thought I would not have a draft problem with that set up because of the center chimney. He told me that I have a block off plate and full blanket installed now so "air supply" is not the problem. He said that the problem is that the 6" flue pipe is dumping into a 12"x12" flue which is causing the draft problem. No kidding I told him!! I will be here when they come back because I am not sure if he really did install a block off plate and blanket because I put a match at the surround (with no fire in the wood stove) and the flame practically sucked in. I believe from what someone said the flame would get sucked in if there was "no" block off plate". So I will see if he was telling me the truth. I told him he will not leave my home or get paid until he fires up the stove and gets me to at least 600 degrees!! I am most grateful to all of you who gave me advice on this. I feel like I know so much more about how wood stoves work. I am forever thankful to all of you. I will post next week to let you know the outcome.
By the way, if anyone ever paid using a credit card you have a great leg to stand on should there be a problem with your wood stove.
By the way, if anyone ever paid using a credit card you have a great leg to stand on should there be a problem with your wood stove.