My agitator motor is only receiving 3 volts output voltage from the controller. I have verified that the wiring harness is ok with good continuity and no faults. With the wiring eliminated I still only get 3 volts at the fuse holder on the hot side. The motor seems to work fine when fed with proper voltage. I replaced the controller at US Stoves' direction ($400) and still have only 3 volts. I have 3 volts regardless of what the aux setting is on the controller. Does anyone know if the agitator is supposed to run full time or if certain conditions(thermostat, pressure switch, etc) have to be satisfied in order to control the operation of it. It seems unlikely that I have received a replacement controller withe the same problems as my old one but I can't find any other solution. I am not getting much help from US Stove's tech support and would greatly appreciate any help offered.