6039 The agitator motor runs constant.

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New Member
Oct 4, 2024
Cameron, Mo.
I had bought a 6039 pellet stove used last year, had to do some odds and ends work to get it running, but it ran all winter. I put on a new a auger motor on. So now this year I accidentally sparked something on the board and the agitator motor runs constant, anyone else have this issue? Any help would be great.
Which board do you have 4 button or the ABC board? If 4 button you shorted the triac that turns auger on and off. It can be replaced if you are any good at soldering. It should be the one above the fuse for the agitator. See below thread.


[Hearth.com] 6039 The agitator motor runs constant.
Can't remember which triac runs agitator on the ABC board but you can google testing triacs , have a multimeter you can figure out which is bad. Think about getting the newer 4 button board they run around $170 and gives you much more control of the stove. If you go the new board route make sure you get the correct board. USSC uses the 4 button board in a lot of stove they look alike but each is programed to run different stoves.

US Stove American Harvest 6039 Circuit Board: 80507​


The simplest explanation is you should not have continuity between pin1 and pin 2 on the triac if you do that is the shorted triac. Most videos go into a deeper explanation to deep if you ask me. Test with stove unplugged.

[Hearth.com] 6039 The agitator motor runs constant.
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You also should not have continuity between the Gate and pin 2, if it is easier for you to test from the Gate pin.
I thought the middle was the gate. So, does gate side go to what it's powering?
Simple explanation is pin 1 is power in from control board, pin 3 is the gate, when Board tells triac/gate to open/on then power goes to pin 2 then to what ever motor it runs.

Where do i find a replacement?
Digikey, Amazon, Ebay and many other places.