Hello all, this is my first post as I am new to the forum. The firebrick rear liner in my 2.5 year old wood fireplace insert exploded the night before last, it now has a section the size of the average grown mans hand missing from it, as well as spider web cracking all throughout it. We typicaly have 20 or so fires a winter, for 4 or so hours at a time, and have only burned maple, ash, and an occasional locust log. To say that we have had 50 fires total in it would be a stretch. We contacted the general contractor who built our home, who refered us to the mason who installed our fireplace, his response , was that this is normal for an insert fireplace to go through a full set of firebrick in 2 years, I think it is BS. I know that the warranty period covers the fire brick liners for 2 years, but the amount of deterioration seems extreme to me, as well as the fact that only one is showing cracks and peices missing. I am hoping that some owners of similar products will post and tell me if their experiences have been the same and this is in fact normal or if this panel sounds as though it may be defective. Thank you, sincerely, Ryan Exum