I got a great score this week, which will give me about two year's worth of heating. I have a month to buck it and drive it down the street to my house.
That picture just shows one of two big piles, and I'd already removed five truckloads when that picture was taken.
Here's the thing. I'm getting older, and decided to cut shorter logs. This makes it easier for me to lift them into the truck and (hand) splitting will be a breeze. However, they don't stack well when they are that narrow. Here's how I've stack the rounds:
They'll be like this until I get a chance to split them.
I'm guessing that they won't dry as well in this configuration. Also, maybe the rain will soak in more if I don't cover the pile.
What do you think? Have you ever stacked rounds like this?
That picture just shows one of two big piles, and I'd already removed five truckloads when that picture was taken.
Here's the thing. I'm getting older, and decided to cut shorter logs. This makes it easier for me to lift them into the truck and (hand) splitting will be a breeze. However, they don't stack well when they are that narrow. Here's how I've stack the rounds:
They'll be like this until I get a chance to split them.
I'm guessing that they won't dry as well in this configuration. Also, maybe the rain will soak in more if I don't cover the pile.
What do you think? Have you ever stacked rounds like this?