Violent t-storm came through last night

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Minister of Fire
Jun 23, 2014
Saratoga, NY
I'm very fortunate..only a few trees split and fell away from the house. Ill get them in the Fall. Some of my neighbors got their wooded yards destroyed. Trees down all over.

Going to be a busy day. Working out. Going to church. Then coming home to help everyone out...Strangely, I did not see one person in their yard working. Stopped at a few homes and knocked on one home.
Peak vacation season I guess.
I'm glad that it wasn't worse. Heard it got very bad up in Toronto.
I've only lived in this area 3 years...nice to meet an older lady that lives 4 houses down.

Some big willow branches...and many medium sized maple branches. 2 solid hrs of cutting.

She was so grateful she dropped off flowers for my wife.

[] Violent t-storm came through last night [] Violent t-storm came through last night
Sounds like a win win. Beautiful property too.
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