3/4 pipe size schedule 40. Just like black iron, made of stainless.
It sets on clips pre-installed in the firebox on oven side.
The stove comes with square plates bolted across the pre-cut holes.Simply remove bolts and plates, screw together pipe and elbows and double nut to firebox rear;
The kit is made to only circulate to the stainless tank on the back. The coil takes water from the low side of coil that comes from the hotter firebox side of tank and hotter water exits from coil into the oven side of tank raising the temperature of only the 24 gallons in the manually filled tank.It will boil that tank from a cold fill in one hour.
I pointed out to the builder that this diagram is incorrect. You want the rising hot water from coil in firebox to return to the cooler side of tank on oven side as shown below. He didn't know it was on-line. Ed Semmelwroth from Antique Stoves is a good friend and uploaded things on-line for him including the entire Kitchen Queen website.
This is the correct connections from the website as well;
This is the kit for tank connection. I replaced hoses with stainless flexible water heater connectors. Screws right on to the 3/4 male pipe nipples that come with the kit, also stainless.
Here's my kitchen faucet;
I also added the white support which is a shelf bracket to hang scraper, poker, and other utensils in the kitchen. Those are onions drying on a clothes rack behind stove.
Onion season.........
I raised my tank with a half inch solid aluminum shim as a heat sink all the way across tank for more support and more surface contact from stove top to tank. The outlet box on the back houses the bypass slider for quick starting without circulating exhaust across stove top. The added heat it absorbs into water tank is in place of the water coil in fire box. That is the hottest part of stove and doesn't seem to cool the exhaust noticeably. The bypass is also used in summer for stove top cooking without heating the entire stove.
Most Kitchen Queen owners self insure through the Amish Church, so the UL rating is only for Englishers. My added thermostat would negate the UL Rating anyway. That's the best feature of the stove and new ones now are adding it as a listed option. Mine was procured at cost and a test subject. I posted the pics on a thread here years ago fabricating the thermostat. Back then it was only used and available to the Amish. It was just retested and passed with improvements, so they are now being offered on the new version.