A bit of back story. First year running an insert (Regency I2500). I have some Dead Ash and some stuff that was split and stacked over 4 years ago, but not enough. I bought a bunch of slab wood from a local sawmill. I cut them to length, split and tested MC and separated into two piles under 20 and over 20.
The past few fires Once I shutdown the damper, the secondaries would go out after 10 min. I started to wait longer before closing the damper all of the way. Everything looked good going to bed. However in the morning the glass had much more buildup than usual.
This morning I decided to resplit and re-test the slab wood that has been in the house for 2 days now. Got a 8% a 16% and 18% and a 39%.. I was like Where did that 39% come from? So I am thinking that maybe some of my over 20 got mixed in with my under 20. Thing is. I do not know how much?
I have maybe 5 fires of wood left and this was at the bottom of the burnable stack. Plan is to have dealer come out and service in the spring. Should I worry about burning the last few fires? Obviously going to test the remaining pcs.
The past few fires Once I shutdown the damper, the secondaries would go out after 10 min. I started to wait longer before closing the damper all of the way. Everything looked good going to bed. However in the morning the glass had much more buildup than usual.
This morning I decided to resplit and re-test the slab wood that has been in the house for 2 days now. Got a 8% a 16% and 18% and a 39%.. I was like Where did that 39% come from? So I am thinking that maybe some of my over 20 got mixed in with my under 20. Thing is. I do not know how much?
I have maybe 5 fires of wood left and this was at the bottom of the burnable stack. Plan is to have dealer come out and service in the spring. Should I worry about burning the last few fires? Obviously going to test the remaining pcs.