Started up the king at 4:30pm,stovetop 275,cat dead but small bed of coals maybe an inch,scraped equal amounts to the side and run a tunnel up the center and loaded all my wood,ash 22 yrs old.The usual smoke was streaming from the chimney as I was still outside working.About 5pm we started to smell what smelled like burning plastic and the stove was struggling to fire up,opened the door to air the house out,looked at my chimney,masonry lined with steel,no smoke?but small red hot embers bouncing off the cap on the inside still baffled,wife heard a pinging inside that sounded like pebbles rattling on the pipe inside.Suddenly I saw a fireball erupt inside the cap and the,smoke started pouring out big time,inside the stove was really starting to fire,checked temps on the double wall inside with IR,200,to 212 all the way up,face of stove was at 387 right ,and about 430 left,cat now was at 550 so engaged her and the stove is back to normal,plastic smell rapidly dissipating. Chimney was cleaned in October,what the hell happened here and what should I do. Thanks.