Last week I could hardly keep the stt under 650-700 now I can hardly get it to 500 and the house is chilly. Im burning the same wood and doing everything the same. Wood is oak poplar maple gum hickory mostly oak all seasoned one - two years. I know the wood isn't quite right especially the oak but you gotta do what you gotta do right. Ive been letting the wood burn about 15 minutes longer before I engage the cat and also waiting for stt to get to 3-350. On a reload or new fire I slowly bring the air down and wait until its going good to engage the cat. The screwy thing is it just seems to be struggling to get hot I've waited about 30 minute to engage and even then after an hour its still hovering at 350-400. I was really enjoying all the heat but now its gone. The only thing different now is its about 10* colder outside than last week but I can't see how would make a difference ive read about other fireview owners with much much colder climates burning hotter than me and keeping their house warmer. Sorry for rambling here I appreciate all the help ive gotten so far and I'm sure theres nothing wrong here other than operator error I hope.