I bought my wood already seasoned, and could burn it "as is", but I split each split down into 3 or 4 smaller splits. I finished stacking my wood for this winter in August (first year burning, so I only have 1 season of wood so far). I stack it in a woodshed 3 piles deep that is off the ground, covered and gets air all around. Today, I broke into the second pile on one side of the shed, and as I took the wood, I noticed a number of pieces with little sawdust mounds. When I brushed the sawdust mounds off, the holes were barely visible. I stack 300-400 pieces at a time on my front porch and take into the house only what I need for 1 day's burning. Any idea of what is burrowing into my wood and how to prevent it? The last thing I need is to introduce some wood-eater into my old farmhouse. Thanks.