Wood ID Help, Good Deal?

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Feb 9, 2012
Reading, PA
Hey guys I saw this ad on Craigslist. It seems like a really good deal but I cannot tell what type of wood this guy is selling. I thought maybe you guys could provide some insight. Also I am going to email the guy to figure out the depth of the dump truck. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks a lot.

(broken link removed to http://reading.craigslist.org/mat/3568049681.html)
IMO its pretty low quality wood. If your desperate and need to stock pile for next year get it. Probably a bunch of pine mixed in.
I'll give you the same advice a wise old man once gave me: "Boy don't never be afeart to ask too much or offer too little!" The seller is following the first part so if you really need wood you should follow the second part.;)
Thanks for the advice. I am going to pass, I am not in need of any wood for next year
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