Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.
We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.
We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
wondering if anybody does anything special with their woodstove in the spring/summer. i cleaned mine out but does anybody do anything else special with them as far as to keep rust at bay or anything similiar to that? Thanks.
Vacuum out all the ashes and give the stove a good look over. Check any baffles for damage, cracked bricks or stove cracks. Inspect the door gasket, and give it a pull check, by placing a dollar bill between the stove opening and door gasket, it should be a tight fit between the two. Any gaps could be a problem area for smoke or causing poor draft. Check all the stove pipe for good connections and look for any possible corrosion forming, Black stove pipes do rust out over time.
Mine's more involved with the inherent safety issues of the #2421.
Glad I didn't start yet as we hadda fire last night in June. 48 degrees.
90's tomorrow. LOL
I feel safer taking the whole lot apart. All 6 pieces are getting regasketed and cemented.
First year on the pipes so that'll just be cleaned out and a trash bag wrapped around
the cap.
Still rockin' on the splitting. Got October and November done. We have enough for the entire season
to process n' stack. Hope to do next winter this summer too. Most of the folks on here like to be
way ahead as do I. Gonna have a clean and sealed stove and two seasons of fuel at the ready.
Hi Wisconsin- Yeah, vacuum out real good, sweep and clean chimney and connector pipes. We also touch up interior metal surfaces with black paint, to kill any burning smell and to give the stove a fresh look. If customer is ok with it, we touch up or paint the stove exterior as necessary after getting the glass cleaned and checking handles for operation and gaskets. We try and make the customer think they have a new stove. I do suggest to them to put anti rusting powder (arm and hammer box, rid-x, etc.) inside stove to absorb moisture as needed. Just remember to remove in the fall. Good luck.