at the risk of getting my butt kicked from here to eternity & back, I'm going to suggest a pellet stove instead of a wood stove because i know that all kinds of mold,fungus,bacteria, virus , worms ,insects & other critters can be carried into the home in wood.
You can & I did, get sick just handeling wet wood with green or black stuff growing on it & that was just outside, before I take it into the house.
Taking that same piece of wood into the house 3 months later & you get sick all over again. Only burning that piece of wood finally gets rid of that particular problem but how safe it the log sitting next to it????? will it be the same deal with that log.
With a pellet stove, all that problem disappears because pellets are made by high heat moulding of the sawdust into pellets & the pellets look like they were baked in an oven because they really were. That baking process kills all the mold, fungas, bacteria ,virus, insects worms & other stuff That come in your house with wood.
Pellet stoves cost more to opperate. A bag of pellets cost me $5.00 & heats my house for 24 hours. My oil burner uses 1.6 gal of oil per hour & 1 hr run time heats my house for 3 hrs.
24 hr/3hr = 8 one hr runs x1.6 gal/hr=10.24 gal oil x 3.20 gal=32.77 per day for oil versus $5.30 per day for pellet heat
for what it cost me to run my oil burner for 1 day is enough to buy me 6.4 --40lb bags of pellets at 5.oo/bag. & 6.4 bags of pellets is 6.4 days of heat in 12 deg weather, & longer in milder weather.
another way to look at it is $250.oo = one ton pellets = 50 days heat
but 250.oo/3.20gal=78 gal/1.6gal/hr=49 hr run time oil burner x 3=147 hr of heat
147/24=6 days of heat
$250.oo buy 1 ton pellets=50 days heat or 6 days heat with an oil burner
This means that the oil burner heats up your whole house, all at once but a wood stove
or a pellet stove only heats the room it is in as well as whatever other rooms the hot air from the wood or pellet stove is able to reach.
So, wood & pellet stoves will not heat your whole house unelse you have a very small house
under 2000 sq ft.
my house is 3000 sq ft & i have cold rooms & very cold rooms that only the oil burner heat can reach . even with both the pellet stove & the wood stove going at the same time , all I manage to to is overheat some rooms while other rooms are not quite as cold as usual.
FORTINUATLY FOR ME , ALL THE ROOMS I ACTUALLY OCCUPY ARE CLOSE BY BOTH THE WOOD & PELLT STOVE & SO RECIEVE REASONABL AMTS OF HEAT. The neither reaches of the house contain the cold storage rooms. these are rooms that are cold because the heat from the stoves won't reach them, that I store things in.
My answer to this was 16/7 burning, i run the oil burner at nite when i sleep so that I dont wake up in the middle of the nite FreezingMyAO(FMAO) & this also helps warm up the neither regions, the far reaches , the cold storage rooms in my house.
So a pellet stove might be a better answer for you than a wood stove. No wood handeling ,cutting splitting stacking ,laying & setting a fire, thermostatic one button opperation, automatic ignition, 2 day pellet hopper holds 80 lbs of pellets in one 5 minute feeding, once every 2 days. But only the battery back up 12 vdc pellet stoves will still opperate durnig a power failure & only as long as the battery power lasts.(usually about 4 to 8 hrs. depending. Unelse you have some way to recharge the battery ie start the car & jumper the stove battery to the car battery with the engine running??
Your kid would miss out on a lot of nasty germs with the pellet stove & mine(pellet stove) dont stink up the air when i run it properly but will stink up the air when it is overdue to be cleaned out.
Keep the kid out of the room when you are cleaning out the pellet stove, about once every 3 bags of pellets burned.
Tough decision you have 2 make, & no one but the kid knows just how allregic he is.
You may have to buy a pellet stove & sell it a month later, if it dont work out with the kid.
Get the biggest size pellet stove you can afford becaise you can never have too much heat
when it gets really cold.
great pellet & wood stoves are found here at reasonable prices.