I have an opportunity to purchase a used Woodstock Fireview stove. It's a 1992 model, so has seen some miles. I saw it in person and it looks pretty good, except for general dirt and some rust on the cast iron. (I think that could be cleaned and painted pretty easily). Anyways, it differs from a new unit in that the draft control is on the side of the unit where the side door is. There is a slide control that allows air entry right through the loading door. (not sure how safe that is, in case an errant spark would shoot out of the stove). In any case, it is a catalytic unit and otherwise looks much like the new units.
Is anyone familiar with these units? Are they as efficient as the new ones? What would be a good price for something that's 17 years old?
Is anyone familiar with these units? Are they as efficient as the new ones? What would be a good price for something that's 17 years old?