After cleaning my chimney this season for the first time, I quickly found that I hate the cap that is included with the Simpson DuraVent flex liner kit. As you see from the picture below, it became clogged with creosote from our inexperience, but even in the best of burns I am sure it will still need to be cleaned, and for that reason, I hate this cap. I have also had comments from my thread describing my first cleaning experience that this cap is not good for overall operation. Well, after doing some more work on our insert over the past couple of days the neighbor and I came up with an idea for using our old rectangle standard chimney cap that screw to the top of the clay flue. What I was going to do is take the existing top plate and invert it so it will seal and cover the clay flu with the ss liner coming flush to the top. I would then trim the top plate it so it's flush with the outside of the clay flue; then just pop back on the original cap we had when using the fireplace. Wouldn't this provide a better draft as well as having an easier to clean cap? I also included a pic of the type of cap that would be going back on.