I'd appreciate some rough numbers on any houses in the 2800 sqr foot range, newer construction, single story. I built a SS to calc my projected heat loss on an unbuilt house, and want to check it with others. Pls zap your sqr footage, wall/ceiling R-values, approx window area (normal, huge, small....) the amount of oil and/or wood you burn (noting "including DHW" or not) and your location or heating degree-days. I have come up w/ about 600 gallons/yr with R-42 walls, R-50 lid, normal windows, and 4" of blue foam under the slab. This is THEORETICAL, I realize, and does not include infiltration or heating domestic water. The number is not too far off from my present house, but it seems a tad low. My heating degree-days number is 14,500 or so; pretty sad, anyway. Thanks, and I don't mean to be nosey. j