Woodstock is expecting to raise their ratings 6 to 8 %, which will (likely) be the same for other catalyst stoves on the market. There is at least a few at 72%, and with all things possible, i wonder how many stoves just below the mark will be certified for the good of the economy by these Independant Testing folks? Allthough I dont see those non-cat stoves at 63% making the current mark, or even an adjusted mark, they could find themselves just below the mark if it were adjusted to say 70%. I WIKI stove reviews prior to the stimulus and have revisited since,,,to find when you enter the Woodstock" reviews its like going to a sureal location! Are there not any owners un-happy? Almost all ratings are 1-excellent and noone seems to mind not having an ash pan,,seems a blower is just not part of wood burning anymore,,dealers are all saints,,a heat you (get used to) and find more effective,,effective and carefree cats,,,it just goes on and on.
I typically have doubts about things that seem too good.....and without these incentives, I wouldn`t be in the market for a Woodstock,,,but am certainly in need of a modern burner. I would like to hide behind the Enviroment to justify the purchase, however the wallet and cold nights are foremost considerations and I can`t help but agreeing with "BrotherBart". :red: To Upgrade the old stove, or Purchase???an answer this Statesman will have to find for himself!