open hearth

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. R

    Help Finding a Stove that Will Fit an Odd Old Hearth?

    Hello -- new to the forums. I am interested in finding a wood insert to put in an odd hearth in my 1937 Idaho home. The fireplace itself doesn't get used much due to inefficiency and drafting issues.... My wife likes the idea of getting a Blaze King, but I'm unsure what model would fit in this...
  2. wheelerlabs

    Wood Insert without door

    I'm looking for a wood burning insert that has an open hearth, without a door. I just want a mesh curtain. Does this exist? If, not, my firebox is missing a damper. Any chance of putting a damper back in to an existing box?
  3. K

    Supplementing Wood Insert Sizing

    Hello! This community has been great so far on giving advice/ and helping us with our wood burning stove insert. To recall: We have an open hearth masonry fireplace that we are awaiting to install the Osburn Matrix into. Per our installer we will need an insulated 30’ chimney liner, a stove...
  4. K

    What am I?

    So we are in the process of renovating our open hearth area, and we have this opening? (A vent? Maybe?) We’re not sure what the purpose of it would be, and whether it’s wise to just seal it and proceed with overlaying stone on top. We are installing an insert as soon as it’s delivered.
  5. L

    Making a Midcentury Hearth Functional

    Hi guys! I posted years ago on how to heat a treehouse I owned and you lot were crazy helpful so I’m back to ask your expert opinions on how to make my pristine, never-been-used midcentury hearth functional and efficient (if possible?!) It’s an enormous, open on three sides hearth that was...