A little bummed. I’ve had good dry wood for yrs- have really honed in on a good system (C/S/S and top covered. I hauled a bunch of Norway Maple that been 2 yrs in the stacks. It tested 20% in the summer. It felt a bit heavier to me than i expected and it’s behaving like wet wood in the stove. I’d guess it at like 25% given the time it takes to ignite and having to keep the primary air more open. Putting out heat though. Just about 100 or so degrees less than my normal 700 cruise temp.
I let some of it warm for a day in the house. Split it and tested on fresh face...18%. Odd.
I dugdown in the wood box for some of the wood that performed good and put in stove. Presto,normal burn.
Has anyone ever had this situation where the wood seems to have been treated well but still didn’t dry right? The wood is not rotted at all, BTW. That, and had moisture meter ( I used 2 different ones on the wood), sort of “lie” to you?
I let some of it warm for a day in the house. Split it and tested on fresh face...18%. Odd.
I dugdown in the wood box for some of the wood that performed good and put in stove. Presto,normal burn.
Has anyone ever had this situation where the wood seems to have been treated well but still didn’t dry right? The wood is not rotted at all, BTW. That, and had moisture meter ( I used 2 different ones on the wood), sort of “lie” to you?