Post your favorite moments of 2016. Mine was a late entry, this year:
Rant follows----I may be a cynic ( flame away oh you %$#@ ), but anyone seriously using wood for heating knows ( knows ) that there is really really no such beast as sold truly seasoned firewood. Most of us righteous woodpile fanatics either: 1. harvest their own from varied sources dead green in time to really really season for correct burns, sometimes years, or , 2. if you buy firewood ( you silly %$#@& ), buy it green just cut in time for you to stack it for proper drying ( e.g. "seasoning" ) sometimes years.
There are no other ways to get firewood ready for winter ( unless you are a moneybags needing to buy KILN DRIED firewood which is like gold or the same as those fossil using people.)
"We sell seasoned firewood" is like "I will love you in the morning". Rant ends.