Copied from main hearth forum:
DOE has finally started offering R&D funding for wood and pellet stoves and central heaters and they are really hoping to spur genuine innovation that can help appliances burn cleaner in the hands of consumers. Check out this blog with lots more details. Timeline is tight as applicants need to submit a short concept paper by June 3. R&D for automated stoves that use sensors to manage airflow is one interest area. Grants are minimum of $300,000 and max of $1 million. We've been waiting for this sort of government support and interest in our sector and we hope they get lots of good applications! Please spread the word.
DOE has finally started offering R&D funding for wood and pellet stoves and central heaters and they are really hoping to spur genuine innovation that can help appliances burn cleaner in the hands of consumers. Check out this blog with lots more details. Timeline is tight as applicants need to submit a short concept paper by June 3. R&D for automated stoves that use sensors to manage airflow is one interest area. Grants are minimum of $300,000 and max of $1 million. We've been waiting for this sort of government support and interest in our sector and we hope they get lots of good applications! Please spread the word.