Positive results with the wood/coal boiler experiment. I'm pretty satisfied with using 50 gallons in 32 days. It's a 3,500 sf (750 sf basement at 6 degrees as well), three unit apartment building with at times six adults taking showers and coming and going.
Love to go to zero, but wasn't practical to go with a gasser and storage at this time. Considering this a learning experience and value added to the building. If I ever sell it, it'll be to someone just like me. If I move out and rent my apartment, I can maintain basement access for myself and burn the wood/coal boiler during the coldest weeks of the winter and keep consumption down.
Love to go to zero, but wasn't practical to go with a gasser and storage at this time. Considering this a learning experience and value added to the building. If I ever sell it, it'll be to someone just like me. If I move out and rent my apartment, I can maintain basement access for myself and burn the wood/coal boiler during the coldest weeks of the winter and keep consumption down.