Just bought a house with free standing Buck stove. Believe it to be either 26,27,or 280000. Pictures all match the manual for that. Anyway, the blower works fine on manual, although LOUD. Started a fire, had fan on auto, no fan. After about an hour, it came on, appeared to be on full throttle (could feel it blowing across the room and LOUD). Ran about 10 minutes then stopped.
I was hoping it was just the switch, but I am guessing it's the thermostats. There are 3? How easy/hard would it be? Am I just nickle and dimeing replacing parts? Should I just have someone come out and diagnose it the right way?
I was hoping it was just the switch, but I am guessing it's the thermostats. There are 3? How easy/hard would it be? Am I just nickle and dimeing replacing parts? Should I just have someone come out and diagnose it the right way?