Dear ilinoy,
Please click on this line & take a look at the new secondary burn stoves by englander. the model 50/30ncl or ncp has a 3.5 cubic foot firebox, does a 8 to 10 hour overnight burn & is 74% efficient & puts out less smoke that most other secondary burn stoves. Best part is you can buy them new for $900.oo to $1100.oo
The 50/30ncl is rated to haet a 2000 sq ft house & will give the same heat as an antique stove with at 3.5 cubic foot firebox but burn up only 1/3 the wood. With wood costing 225.00 to 275.00 a cord,cut,split & delevered, you can see that the stove will pay for its purchase price in under two winters of burning in wood savings.
If you compair the price of the stove to oil heat,the stove will pay for itself in 3 months.
click here:
Englander stoves are sold at home depot,lowes home improvement under the summersheat brand name, (same stove, but cheaper price) & at most ace hardware stores.
The are one of the lest expensive stoves you can buy , but with quality riviling the most expensive stoves. Any stove cheaper than an englander probably is not worth buying because
its hard to beat an englander going upscale in price to a more expensive stove, let alone buying a chineese stove that you wont be able to get parts for a year later.
englander is made in monroe, vaginia by a family owned & run stove mfg company. they been making stoves over 20 years now & are still going strong because they give their customers great value for their money & back it up with great service. Two of their employees are here at most ever day, not because they are getting paid for it, just because the enjoy being around stove people, & always help any one with factory advise
on englander stoves.
I bought a brand new summersheat only 4 weeks ago, the 50/30ncl but summerheat model 50-snc30lc....same stove, just different name with lower price.
I just go to , they have the 50-tnc30 for $799.oo new ,shipping included, on end of season sale. reg price$1,100.oo , which is a good deal. & shipping is included , so you dont get stuck with a 300.oo motor frieght bill.
You could try lowes or home depot, maybe they still have a stove left, but you might have to ask the salesman to locate a store in your state that is still showing one in stock, as most stores will be all sold out. They end of season sale started feb 12th but is still going on until the last stove is gone. lowes was selling then for $476.oo inc tax, while home depot wanted 799.oo +tax+ shipping.
The lowes has pueater trim(dull silver) while home depot has the more expensive brass or imitation gold trim.
All trim options can be changed easily,DIY, by buying the trim options under your model #'s
accessories at
Buy the optional stove variable speed blower motor for $159.99 from englander web site, because it really blows out the heat from the stove really good.