anybody got an older lopi

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addison it takes a while for owners of a particular stove to pass through. Especially older ones and here you don't know which model it is. Hit us with a picture of the stove and the top of the firebox and maybe we can help.
Bro.Bart,its a lopi 520.I called a woodstove store and the owner said the lip on the older lopis gos i switched mine to face up. seems to be drawing better!I also put 5 fire bricks on top of the plate ,seems like a good idea.
Good deal. Wish we had known it was a 520 before. One of the moderators here used to have one of them.
BrotherBart said:
...One of the moderators here used to have one of them.

It's true. Sounds like you got it figgered out, addison, that's good. That old stove'll put out some heat, that's fer sure. Rick
The one in my old Lopi insert is pointing down.
[] anybody got an older lopi
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