My 10 year old Jack Russell Terrier was pretty much diagnosed today with a very mild case of adult onset epilepsy. There are still a few test results we are waiting for but have ruled out everything else like him eating wild mushrooms, toxins from compost, tick diseases, kidney/liver disease, food allergies, etc.
About six months ago he started chewing on his front paws then snapping at the air. I later found this is called "fly biting" and can be a kind of focal epileptic seizure. Back then, we were tearing the house apart from Sandy repairs and the vet just thought it was stress, made sense, ever live in a house being rebuilt? Not fun.
Fast forward, over the past few weeks, these fly biting episodes went from once a week to once a day to now several times a day. Saturday, he was really clingy and I knew he didn't seem right. He threw up but seemed better afterwards. A few hours later, he was sleeping on the floor when he jumped up and was walking like he was drunk. His eyes were twitching side to side which never happened before and then started fly biting. I can usually distract him but couldn't this time. It only lasted a minute but I called the vet immediately, they have Saturday hours thank goodness. She explained it was probably a seizure, pulled blood and ran a whole lot of tests.
My dogs are insured through Pet Plan but my vet didn't think at this stage we needed to go get an MRI or spinal taps to know if there was a brain tumor or not causing his episodes. He is showing no other signs of distress, eats normally, runs around with our other JRT and has otherwise no heath issues, elevated blood serums or anything else. Right now he's running up and down my steps with a muddy tennis ball he brought in from outside. Yeah...he's acting sick
He goes back to the vet Friday to discuss treatment, bromides or phenobarbital as very low doses to keep him from doing the fly biting as it can eventually progress into full blown gran mal seizures if left untreated.
I love my vet, she has done amazing things for all of our animals, even when others thought she was nuts for her course of treatments. I just fear the unknown of what to expect treating a dog for this and how epilepsy progresses. I thought I'd ask here for other's experiences since we are a unique group
About six months ago he started chewing on his front paws then snapping at the air. I later found this is called "fly biting" and can be a kind of focal epileptic seizure. Back then, we were tearing the house apart from Sandy repairs and the vet just thought it was stress, made sense, ever live in a house being rebuilt? Not fun.
Fast forward, over the past few weeks, these fly biting episodes went from once a week to once a day to now several times a day. Saturday, he was really clingy and I knew he didn't seem right. He threw up but seemed better afterwards. A few hours later, he was sleeping on the floor when he jumped up and was walking like he was drunk. His eyes were twitching side to side which never happened before and then started fly biting. I can usually distract him but couldn't this time. It only lasted a minute but I called the vet immediately, they have Saturday hours thank goodness. She explained it was probably a seizure, pulled blood and ran a whole lot of tests.
My dogs are insured through Pet Plan but my vet didn't think at this stage we needed to go get an MRI or spinal taps to know if there was a brain tumor or not causing his episodes. He is showing no other signs of distress, eats normally, runs around with our other JRT and has otherwise no heath issues, elevated blood serums or anything else. Right now he's running up and down my steps with a muddy tennis ball he brought in from outside. Yeah...he's acting sick
He goes back to the vet Friday to discuss treatment, bromides or phenobarbital as very low doses to keep him from doing the fly biting as it can eventually progress into full blown gran mal seizures if left untreated.
I love my vet, she has done amazing things for all of our animals, even when others thought she was nuts for her course of treatments. I just fear the unknown of what to expect treating a dog for this and how epilepsy progresses. I thought I'd ask here for other's experiences since we are a unique group