About 6 weeks ago I posted on here how we had to rescue a bird from the wood stove pipe, a little finch I believe, little brown bird. Well, yesterday morning guess what? Yes, you guessed it, a bird-possibly the same one-back again, inside the pipe! This time I had to go to work, so I didn't have time to take the pipe apart, but I opened the damper and the little thing fell down and ended up in the stove, so I tried to get it into a plastic bag but it flew right past me, flew around the room, slammed into the glass screen door, 2 of the cats were jumping up at it, one knocked it down but I quickly chased them away, finally got the poor little thing and took him outside and said "it's alright...but please don't come back anymore!". It flew away no problem, and I HOPE that traumatic episode is enough to keep him from trying to come back again! There was black soot forced out of the sections of pipe so it actually helps me clean the pipe lol! But I also saw a piece of yellow grain like weed, almost looked like wheat so I hope it isn't trying to build a nest in the cap! The cap has a rim that looks like the ring around Saturn, and only about 2 inches above and below that ring, but this thing squeezes it's way through that. I'll have to check again for a bird's nest as I don't need that problem, and I guess put some chicken wire around the opening to keep it out? I don't want to fry the little thing!
Wow.....I hope it gives this bad habit up this time!
Wow.....I hope it gives this bad habit up this time!