I know it would be better if I lined it, but the idea behind the setup was to try and save some $$ on the gas bill. I have free wood and want to take advantage of it. So I want to do it smart, not cut corners, but not spend if its not necessary. I also may be leaving this area before the 2019/2020 burning season, so that cuts into my decision too.
I just cleaned the chimney and there wasn't a whole lot in there, but with my proposed setup, it would accessible and easily be cleaned each year. So I am not super worried about build up, unless the buildup would be excessive to the point where a fire could happen in 1 burning season without the liner. Keep in mind I would be venting it to the terracotta liner, not just dumping it into the firebox.There are a few people in the area I know that ran their stoves without a liner and never had an issue. With that being said, if I can pull the liner out, maybe I just do it for max efficiency and bring it with me if I move. Not sure how easy they come out. Below are a few links I found with some dialog back and forth.
My fireplace is roughly 20 feet tall, it ends about 2 ft above the roof line. The liner is a square, roughly 10.5x10.5 ID. Currently running a chimney cap. The top maybe 15 feet is exposed to the outside, the bottom 5 feet above the fireplace backs to the garage, which does get cold, but warmer than outside and sheltered from wind and moisture. Currently with the standard wood burning fireplace setup I always get a really good draft and never an issue with smoke.
Just trying to do my homework and make the best decision. I really appreciate your help.
I understand this is not the best resource but its something.
This article does not say you necessary NEED one.
My setup would be similar to Figure 2, with the back few inches of the stove behind the surround.
(broken link removed to https://www.uidaho.edu/-/media/UIdaho-Responsive/Files/Extension/forestry/WFS15-Installation-of-Wood-Stoves-in-Fireplaces.pdf?la=en&hash=BB52C1EFC2A42E61A75CF6FE9F679CE528B74FD9)