I couldn't stand it any more. I've ordered a wideband oxygen sensor with driver electronics. It has an analog output that's compatible with my data collection / control system.
I'm going to make a retractable housing for it on the top of the flue thimble at the back of the boiler. My thought is that I'll start the boiler and get it up to gasification with the sensor retracted. Once it's going, I'll drop the sensor into the exhaust stream and get measurements as I play around with primary / secondary air, fan speed, and so on. My hope is to be able to learn enough so that I can get close to optimum combustion throughout the course of a burn.
Too bad I won't be having another fire until October......
I'm going to make a retractable housing for it on the top of the flue thimble at the back of the boiler. My thought is that I'll start the boiler and get it up to gasification with the sensor retracted. Once it's going, I'll drop the sensor into the exhaust stream and get measurements as I play around with primary / secondary air, fan speed, and so on. My hope is to be able to learn enough so that I can get close to optimum combustion throughout the course of a burn.
Too bad I won't be having another fire until October......