The blue tape is just for stove size reference
I'm trying to get a feel for where the BK King Ultra will be placed.
(1) Is the specified 34"x45" floor protection per the BK manual a large enough hearth or would you go a little bigger?
(2) How thick should I build the hearth for the weight and heat protection?
(3) Will steel 2x4s or 2x6s hold the weight?
(4) I know it won't be butted up against the wall but how far out should it be for access to parts and the OAK?
(5) I'm ordering the stove in brown....can I order brown double wall stove pipe to match? From the factory?
(6) If I remove the side heat shields will it change the side clearances on the floor?
I was going to tear up the cork floor and put down stone or tile.....but I just found out that 99.9% of all cork walls/floors made between 1900-1980 contains asbestos!:bug:
Thank you,Hiram