BK Insert PI 1010a Trying to get an overnight burn with Pine switch to Spruce and Elm for this winter 14-18 per cent moisture. Recent snow and down to low 30 at night I got a hot bed of Spruce going then I loaded a large aprox14inch long Elm that barely got it though the insert door. Talk about getting a more controllable burn with this large chunk of Elm compared to pine or spruce I could set t-stat to 3 o'clock and walk away. The cat temp locked in at 12 o'clock and stayed there for about 5 hours of steady flames also I could control t-stat up or down with no problems.I haven't tried a full box of Elm yet estimating a full box should go 8 hours to 10 hours. I couldn't get this control out of Pine or the burn time.I have one cord of Elm and 5 cords of Pine LOL