I'm a new burner. Been collecting wood since Nov of 2012. I have a Blaze King Princess Inset. The stove is working well, it's all about learning how to move the heat around the house and make an educated guess on where to set the bi-metal thermostat for the day as I head off to work.
Thus far I've lit fires at night and been able to let the fire settle in, and then go to bed as the fire burns down an the stove temp drifts towards the inactive range, no sweat, but this is over hours. Now the temps are dropping where I'd like to burn the entire day and in the amount of time I have in the morning, I'm really not sure I'll have enough time to reload the stove, let it catch on fire, then settle down, match the blower to the bi-metal thermostat and ensure the CAT does not drop out of the active range, nor overfire while I am not at home.
For example, this evening I packed the stove, lit it, and set it at 1.5 dots on the bi-metal thermostat after the CAT made it 1/2 way through the active range. Well after dinner I noticed the stove's temp had crept to 85% of the active range and there no longer were red embers present, it was a rolling fire.
How am I supposed to guess these things to make sure my house is safe (not over firing) and make sure I don't smoke out my close neighbors (drops out of the active range)?
Thus far I've lit fires at night and been able to let the fire settle in, and then go to bed as the fire burns down an the stove temp drifts towards the inactive range, no sweat, but this is over hours. Now the temps are dropping where I'd like to burn the entire day and in the amount of time I have in the morning, I'm really not sure I'll have enough time to reload the stove, let it catch on fire, then settle down, match the blower to the bi-metal thermostat and ensure the CAT does not drop out of the active range, nor overfire while I am not at home.
For example, this evening I packed the stove, lit it, and set it at 1.5 dots on the bi-metal thermostat after the CAT made it 1/2 way through the active range. Well after dinner I noticed the stove's temp had crept to 85% of the active range and there no longer were red embers present, it was a rolling fire.
How am I supposed to guess these things to make sure my house is safe (not over firing) and make sure I don't smoke out my close neighbors (drops out of the active range)?