So I've been enjoying my stove running up to 500-600 degrees fairly regularly. We've had 20-30 degree overnight temps lately and the stove has been doing a really good job keeping our home warm. Now we've had some colder weather. 5-15 degrees overnight. The stove is not able to get past 425. I've been shutting the air down normally, seems like stove is climbing in temp ok, then when I get to 1/4 or less just seems to stall everything out. I have a 25 foot masonry chimney. 8x11 or there abouts. It's on the west end of the house and exposed starting at about 1/2 it's height. And sheltered by an un heated sun room on the bottom half. We have a good breeze but not gusty. I know a cold day is supposed to be good for draft, but I'm not seeing that.